creampie videos
Just thought I'd drop in to let you know that I am still here and I
check your site almost every day. I was truly impressed that my
letter to you was the very first page and it was also very exciting
to read the message from THEO, asking about me....
I am very flattered that Theo want's to see some action photos of
me with black men, but to be perfectly honest with him and everyone
else, at this time, I just can't do this and trust me, I have my very
own reasons that I would love to share with him, so please send him
my e-mail address and I would be happy to explain.
And because I'm not able to supply this site with these photos, I'm
sure that some of you may think that I am a fake and if you do, so be
it, but all I can assure you for now is that during the past 11 years,
I have had a healthy diet of black cock and I'm very definitely looking
forward to MANY more years of having sex with black men and taking
advantage of the many opportunities that I know will face me in the
future. If I reveal my identity, I feel that this might have an
effect on my present lifestyle. And as time passes, I seem to get
deeper and deeper into this scene and in many ways I'm really starting
to prepare myself for family and friends to find out about about my
involvement with black men. All I can ask for now is that my readers
try and understand and believe me.... So until then,
Interracially involved